Season 4 of the BLS Acting Tutorial


About Course

If you’ve completed Season 3 and its predecessors, you’re ready for some more advanced topics. Welcome to Season 4 of the BLS Acting Tutorial. Dive Deeper.

Course Content

4.1 The Right Headspace
Being an actor in this business can come with a number of mental and emotional battles that have nothing to do with technique. Equip yourself for dealing with hardship.

  • Combating the Mental & Emotional Battles of Acting

4.2 Final Investigation Challenge
Here I give you a scene that is one of my favorites to pull apart, both for how simple and confusing it is, and for where the Investigation leads.

4.3 Other Judgment
We’ve discussed playing characters from a place of judgment, but what about those moments when judgment rears its ugly head on a single line, or an action, or an entire project?

4.4 Objective Wrap-up
Time to address two very common and very important questions about Objective.

4.5 Specific Environment
On the opposite end of the spectrum from last season’s Broad Environment: the small things in your area that affect you.

4.6 Auditions Pt.2 – Before, During, After
How you comport yourself in and around your audition can have a major effect on your effectiveness and your mental health.

4.7 Trigger Wrap-up
Wherein we go over some very useful and accessible tools for triggering, as well as the commonly feared ‘mid-scene trigger.’

4.8 Auditions Pt.3 – Memorization
Whether you have trouble memorizing or are familiar with the experience of memorized lines just vanishing at the worst moments, this episode should be of help.

4.9 Auditions Pt.4 – Eye-lines & Cold Reads
Eye-lines can make or break an otherwise solid audition; Cold-reading isn’t common but you should know how to tackle it if it comes up.

4.10 Actor Resources
These pages, if used properly and often, can accelerate your growth exponentially.